Goal and General Information

The primary goal of 12 for Life's summer school program is to offer students who are off track for graduation the opportunity to recover credit(s) and to get back on track for graduation. All 12 for Life students will receive individual advisement from the 12 for Life school counselor concerning academic coursework taken in the summer. Students will be given a "Summer School Packet" containing information about the student's academic plan for the current summer and following school year. the packet must be reviewed, approved, and signed by the student and parent or guardian. The Summer School Packet must be returned to the 12 for Life school counselor. Failure to return the paperwork by the assigned date may result in a day off from work. 

Summer school is also used to accelerate students so they can participate in West Georgia Technical College's dual enrollment program. Additionally, students who participate in extracurricular activities at their high school may be required to take summer school classes so they can work first shift during the regular school year. This will allow the student to participate in their extracurricular activities and remain in the 12 for Life program. 

All 12 for Life students are enrolled in Work Based Learning (WBL) and earn high school credit for working at Southwire, which includes summer. Therefore, all 12 for Life students are enrolled in summer school even if the student does not take an academic core class.

Summer School Fees

Summer school fees are $200.00 per academic class, plus a $25.00 registration fee. Southwire will pay the summer school fees for students if they maintain an average of 16 work hours per week during the summer session and pass all summer school classes. Students who do not meet these requirements will be responsible to pay all fees for their summer school classes. 

Summer School Attendance

Summer school is divided into two sessions. The first session is during June and the second session starts at the end of June and finishes mid July. Each summer school session is scheduled for 16 days. A summer school class is four hours in length. In order to receive credit for a course, students must attend 15 days of summer school. Students who have perfect attendance and are passing their classes can exempt the last day of the summer school session. Students cannot exempt their End of Course or Milestone exam. 

Students who exceed the absence limit will be met with individually to determine if the student will be allowed to make up missed class time. Students will not be excused from summer school for family vacations, family reunions, extracurricular activities including camps, etc., so please plan widely. Due to time constraints of summer school, excessive absences- whether excused or unexcused absences- may result in the student being dropped from their summer school classes.  Generally, students who accumulate absences that exceed the scheduled make up sessions will be dropped from summer school classes. Students who are dropped from a class for attendance may be moved to the third shift for the rest of the summer.

Tardies will be counted toward absences in the following manner:

1-60 minutes late = 1/4 absence

61-120 minutes late = 1/2 absence

121-180 minutes late = 3/4 absence

When a student reaches 5 tardies, he/she may be dropped from summer school. 

12 for Life Summer School will follow the Carroll County Board of Education Discipline Code-JCDA. Students who commit Level one (1) or two (2) offenses or who significantly disrupt the learning environment will be removed for the remainder of class for the first offense. If the students disrupts the learning environment a second time, the student will be dismissed from summer school and potentially the 12 for Life program. If a student commits a Level three (3) offense while at summer school, the student will be removed from summer school and referred to a disciplinary tribunal at the beginning of the next school year for a determination of appropriate punishment. Police charges may be filed if administration deems it to be appropriate. All other policies and procedures listed in the handbook will apply to summer school. 

Summer School Discipline

Summer school classes will be taught be a certified high school teacher in a regular classroom. Science classes such as Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry, and Environmental Science will have access to a fully equipped science laboratory. All academic summer school classes will be taught face-to-face unless the student is recovering credit for a class, which they have failed. Credit recovery for students who have failed a class will be through Edgenuity online learning. 

Instructional Format of 12 for Life Summer School

Summer School for Students who are On-Track for Graduation

Students who are on track for graduation and want to be moved from third shift to first or second shift have options for summer school. Students can take summer school classes to ensure that they will be able to work a day shift the following school year. Students who are on track for graduation and do not take summer school classes will be assigned a summer work shift that will remain the same through the following school year. Students who want to participate in West Georgia Technical College's Dual Enrollment or are participating in extracurricular activities at their high school may be required to take summer school classes. 

Summer School for Students who are Off-Track for Graduation

To remain in the 12 for Life program, students who are off track for graduation are required to take and pass summer school classes. Theses courses may be courses the student has failed or courses that will allow the student to be back on track for graduation. Some students will be required to take two classes in summer school and work a shift. Students who take summer school classes will be assigned a work shift depending on their summer school class schedule. Students who are off track for graduation and refuse to take summer school classes will be removed from the program and will not be allowed to reapply. 

Graduation checklist used to track student graduation progress