From the Principal

Dear Parent or Guardian,
Thank you for visiting our website! The 12 for Life program began as a partnership between Southwire Company and Carroll County School System. Since the establishment of the program back in January of 2007, 12 for life partnerships have grown to include Carrollton City Schools, Heard County Schools, and Haralson County schools. We currently serve 200 students from eight high schools within four school districts. Throughout the past 12 years, our efforts have been directed to provide students who are 16 years or older with unique opportunities. The program offers a variety of services for students by connecting the classroom to real-world work experiences while teaching the importance of a strong work ethic, excellent attendance, exemplary behavior, positive attitude, and teamwork.
Over the last 12 years, 12 for Life has served over 2500 students. Those who have completed the program have earned credits for high school graduation while gaining exposure to accelerated STEM education and working in paid positions with Southwire. The graduation rate for all students within the Carroll County School System has increased from 65% to 93%, and from 55% to 86% for economically disadvantaged students. One goal of 12 for Life is for students to graduate from high school with relevant experiences that have prepared them to be successful in the workplace and college. Additionally, students have the opportunity to complete the Georgia Department of Education's Manufacturing Pathway and receive a platinum cord to wear at their high school graduation. Students also have the opportunity to complete a Youth Apprenticeship and receive adult certification through Precision Exams in Manufacturing Technology.
If your student is in high school and not yet 16, the Carroll County School System also has two programs in place to prepare students for 12 for Life. These programs are called Step into STEM and Full STEAM Ahead. Both programs are based at the South College and Career Academy. Students attend selected core classes for part of the day in a setting that connects the classroom standards with experiences related to business and industry.
The supervisors, faculty, and staff of 12 for Life are excited to work with your student. Please feel free to email us if you would like more information about 12 for Life, Step into STEM, or Full STEAM Ahead!
Joel Grubbs